Sagrada Familia Monuments Made of Stones People

Stone Craftsmen

Tradition & innovation Trade
Artesans de la pedra

Master stonemasons since the 1880's

The saga of the Barbany stonemasons began at the end of the 19th century, with Joan Barbany (in the photo). He worked in different quarries but it was in Sant Esteve de Alcoll, Llinars del Vallès, where he created the family business and where his sons Peret and Pitu joined.

Initially they delivered raw blocks and products for urban development such as kerbs, paving stones…

Peret, a bohemian, focused his profession on the finest works. He collaborated with different sculptors and significant works of the time. Pitu, a Master stonemason, knew how to take the best from his father and brother, to perfect the family trade.

Me, Jordi, Pitu son, learned the trade and the commitment to do the job well from them.

With the unconditional support of Ana, my wife, and with more than 40 years of experience, I have managed to develop a 21st century workshop where I have been able to make the most complex, world-renowned works.

With the incorporation of my children, Arnau in 2014, and Julia, in 2019, we guarantee the continuity of the family trade and advance in the evolution of our craft.

Fets amb pedra


I have worked with Granits Barbany for many years and it is always a wonderful experience. Their skilled craftsmanship and expertise is at a level with the top stonemasons in the world.

Sophie-Elizabeth Thompson
Artista i escultora

Barbany is the ideal collaborator for anyone who searches to explore antique crafts yet push the limits of contemporary design. They have not only accompanied me in my search for the right materials and finishes but in proposing solutions and broadening my horizon.

Sanna Völker
Dissenyadora de mobiliari i objectes

A la família Barbany li hem d’agrair que, amb la seva mestria i la seva obra feta, ens han fet estimar l’apassionant món de la pedra.

Antoni Caminal
Arquitecte tècnic de la Sagrada Família

La complicitat tan sols es pot forjar amb anys de col·laboració i entesa, confiança mútua i una sincera amistat. Per a mi ha significat un gran privilegi aconseguir aquesta relació amb Granits Barbany.

Lluís Ventós
Artista, pintor i escultor

En tot el que fan al Taller Barbany s’hi respira un amor per la pedra i per contribuir a la bellesa de l’obra arquitectònica i de l’escultura, amb tot el saber de la seva llarga tradició de picapedrers i l’ús de les eines d’avui dia.

Jordi Faulí
Arquitecte de la Sagrada Família

Ici sur la montagne Catalane d'Orrius, dans la carrière de la famille Barbany, j'ai retrouvé cet esprit artisanal hautement qualifié.

Christian Madaule
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